Sunday, March 19, 2017

Bomboy - Dev Team Weekly Update 3/19

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Today, we finished the story of the whole game. This is a relief because we now have a set direction and have clear jobs on what to do/make. Sadly, we did lose an original member from the game, but we're still determined to finish this game early July.


Type of Conflict: Man vs Society
Antagonist: King
Overarching Message: “Female Independence”


  1. Castle (Different castle than King)
    1. Escape the castle
    2. Retrieve something important before leaving
  2. Castle Gardens
    1. Huge yard that needs to be navigated in order to escape the castle
  3. Town (Villain Town - all the bad guys live here)
    1. Knowing she can’t stay in the town, the Princess must now escape through the bustling city streets.
    2. Some levels can be her attempting escape from townspeople and she eventually decides to try to get out by maneuvering through the sewers where she encounters rats and snakes or something.
    3. The final boss here can be a Rat King or something.
    4. Run down town
  4. Dark Creepy Forest
    1. Creepy beasts
      1. Different enemy types
      2. Uncivilized enemies
  5. The Wizard
    1. Wizard teaches her how to use new ability(ies)
    2. Wizard knows where Princess mother is
      1. Mother is forming a rebellion to overthrow king
      2. Leave to join rebellion
  6. Swamp
    1. Enemies
  7. Mountains
    1. Enemies
  8. Rebellion Camp
    1. Finds out Mother is dead
    2. Princess takes over the rebellion
    3. Leads them to overthrow King
  9. Princess overthrows King
    1. Doesn’t kill King
    2. Instead she locks the King where the King locked up the Princess in the beginning

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