Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Overcoming Challenges: Donut Project

     Every artist runs into challenges while making their masterpiece.  For the donut project, I ran into a few.  The first one, the plates.  When I created the plate, I must have messed up joining the center somehow.  In object mode the plates looked fine, but when I rendered I noticed holes in the center of all of them.  Of course this was very devastating considering I had finished everything and was ready to render.  Instead of remaking my plates, I rearranged my items in the composition to cover these holes.  I overcame the plate mishap by rearranging the items in the picture.  The second challenge was something I could not control--the lag.  Since I had a lot of items and my items had a lot of details, my computer was moving very slowly.  This was very frustrating when I was trying to rearrange items and move my camera (VERY VERY FRUSTRATING).  I only overcame this problem with patience and sheer willpower.  Those are some of the challenges I overcame while making my donut composition.

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