Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Nagle - Proposal

What the light green Sharpie says:
     I interested in semi-realistic fantasy characters. I usually only sketch and line my art, but I really want to try and use acrylic, water-color, and gouache paints. I'm mainly into the figure-drawing and details in the people themselves, so I may try to attempt background environments and landscapes.
     I am also very into Dungeons and Dragons and their races/classes which influence my art greatly-that's mostly what I will draw. Not only that, but two-person interaction, or my drawings interacting in some way, will be prevalent throughout my art.
My main idea throughout the year:
     For a series, I am very interested in drawing the zodiac signs as humanoids. This way I am still connected to the fantasy and invention I love but also the stories or storytelling since zodiacs usually come with their own history or way of being. In this series, I would mostly like to use water-color, gouache, and Copic markers. I would also like to include this series in my college portfolio so I hope it turns out well.

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