Sunday, March 26, 2017

Nagle - Artist Inspiration MP3 - Danica Sills

Image result for danica sills
For this marking period, I was inspired by the YouTube artist Danica Sills. Here is a link to her channel: DanicaYt.
She is my inspiration for this marking period because she is a savant in lining, using water colors, and using ink. All tools in which I want to know how to use. Her videos on using ink inspired me in making my creatures in "Background No.002" and her videos on water color helped me paint the girls in both "Background No.001" and "Background No.002".
Below are some of the pieces I watched her create that inspired me the most this marking period:
Image result for danica sills inkImage result for danica sills inkImage result for danica sills inktoberImage result for danica sills

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