Thursday, March 17, 2016

Production Checkpoint #3

Okay, so it hasn't been that long since the last production checkpoint (like 3 weeks) so... I haven't completed a piece. Last time I was in the process of fixing the lines from the image trace. Well, I finished that and started adding color. I watched a tutorial on all of the suggested color techniques for Illustrator and it was: base color, shades, and tints. Since they are all just layers, there isn't anything more than that at the stage I am in. As you can see from the progress, I haven't even touched the bottom half of the girl. I'm still adding shading in the top. I didn't really realize what I was getting myself into. It's very time consuming but I know at the end the accomplishment will be worth it.

Problems so far:
When I started filling in the lines, it wouldn't let me make individual shapes to make different colors. (Ex. the shading on the face) I was very confused. This wasn't a problem in the tutorials I watched, nor do I understand Illustrator enough to figure it out. BUT!! Thank goodness for Sovay!! She came over and fixed my problem for me, something about a fill group or something (paint group? Idk). But now whatever process I am using is working and I'm thoroughly enjoying myself.

I haven't had time to doodle like I usually do due to heavy schoolwork, so this checkpoint is going to be without my inked drawings :( However, in my animation class I did finish that project I mentioned in my last production checkpoint. I did post it on my blog but I'll put it here at the end too.
Also, we are starting a project for the NCCAS and I picked my trend: Open world video games. I have some ideas for the video (recording me playing the games and have them as the background as I talk about them, etc.) and the outline is due Monday so... we'll see how that goes.
Otherwise, that is all that is different from the last time I updated and I can't wait to see what else I can accomplish before this school year is over :)

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