Sunday, March 20, 2016

Open World Video Games: Outline

I. Introduction
   1. What are open world video games
      a. Compare to other game genres
   2. Appeal
      a. Structure
      b. Freedom of goals
      c. Game play time

II. History
   1. 1980s
      a. First game Ultima
      b. Legend of Zelda
      c. Wasteland
         i. Defined open world games
         ii. Tied with sandbox games
   2. 1999
      a. Shenmue
         i. Step forward in 3D open world gameplay

III. Current
   1. 21st Century
      a. Grand Theft Auto
         i. Cultural impact
      b. World of Warcraft 
      c. The Elder Scrolls
      d. Assassin's Creed
         i. Historical setting
      e. Watch Dogs
         i. Connect with current technology
      f. Fallout 4
      g. Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

IV. Future
   1. No Man's Sky
      a. HUGE universe
      b. Procedural generation
      c. June 2016

V. Justification/Transition
   1. 2015 and 2016 marks the years of the open world genre
      a. Non-linear gameplay results in more hours
   2. Changing game design perspective
      a. Places for exploration and depth
      b. Move at own pace
      c. Digital worlds

VI. Conclusion
   1. Emerging trend
      a. Sufficient technology
   2. Game industry
      a. Racing to create larger and more comples sandboxes
   3. Gamers
      a. Just becoming popular
      b. Cultural transformation

My video plans include taping gameplay of mentioned games and having a voice-over. Also, I want to make transitions like Jess Chou (which means learning it XD) and include picture-video (like you showed us on the white board). That's all I have visual-wise, but I believe I have enough information to fill a 2 to 3 minute informational video.

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