Sunday, April 3, 2016


Over spring break, I went down to Florida and Georgia to visit the University of Central Florida and the Savannah College of Art and Design to look at what they offer in the game design category.
Image result for FIEA
UCF has the number two undergraduate program and the number one graduate program in the country.  The undergraduate program is known as FIEA, or Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy.  They offer three programs: the art track, the programming track, and the production track.  As of now, I am leaning towards the art track or the production track.  The most common undergraduate majors in the art track include art, studio art, illustration, animation, visual art and digital media, while the most common undergraduate majors in the production track in the production track include digital media, liberal studies, game design, psychology, English, technical writing, theater, speech, communications, digital art and computer science.  I am interested in animation and game design, so it is going to be hard to choose.  I have found very helpful course overviews for both tracks and I will put the links here: Art track or Production track.UCF School of Visual Arts and Design logo
I have also thought about maybe attending a different school for undergraduate and then coming to UCF for their number one graduate program.  The graduate program is known as SVAD, or the School of Visual Arts and Design.  The course overview is as follows: The Bachelor of Arts in Digital Media allows students to integrate the multiple domains of art, storytelling, and technology. It is designed to provide a solid foundation in techniques and theory in one focused area of competence, provide a broad understanding of related disciplines including arts, humanities, and technology, and provide extended experience in working in multidisciplinary teams on realistic problems. Students will choose between two specializations: Game Design and Web DesignIn the Game Design specialization, students learn about the history, culture, design, and implementation of video games and video game technologies. Students will complete courses where they build a series of smaller games throughout the semester, as well as courses focused on larger projects. The link to the website: SVAD.  This school has an enormous and gorgeous campus, with a marching band and many clubs that I would love.
Image result for SCAD
SCAD is ranked number ten undergraduate program in the country.  The degrees they offer are a B.A., B.F.A., M.A., or M.F.A.  Again since there is so much information, I'm just going to link the websites: BA, BFA, MA, MFA.  For classes, they split students up and I believe I'm the most interested in the Character Animation route as of now.  The campus was a beautiful, historical place and this is a school focused just on the arts that could be very beneficial.
I am going to have a difficult time deciding between all of these amazing schools.  I just hope I end up choosing the right one for me and my future career.

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