Sunday, November 20, 2016

Bomboy&Nagle - Portfolio Video (AKA Studio Work #1)

After a couple of weeks (actually now that I think about it, it was probably more like a month), I've been working on pulling all of my art throughout my high school career together to make a portfolio video to submit to colleges. Though I do regret I did not add everything I wished to, I am still pretty confident about the product. I am sending this to George Mason University and the University of Southern California as of right now.
Reflection: At first, I thought this was going to be easy. I've made videos before, right? Well, I was wrong. Finding the time to photograph, saving/finding all the videos I desired, and then just turning it into a finished product I'd be proud of was difficult. However, due to deadlines, this is what was created with my time and ability and I am content with what I have made. I may be a little uneasy just because someone is going to watch this and judge my abilities only based on this video; if it wasn't made for that purpose, I'd bet I'd be happier with it. In all, I hope this video is successful and I guess I'll find out when I receive my acceptance/denial letters.

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