Sunday, February 12, 2017

Bomboy - Dev Team Weekly Update 2/12

Image result for weekly update
This weeks update isn't going to be that exciting because most of the members were sick or had a prior engagement today during our meeting. That means there was only two of us: Anthony and I. However, we did get a small update from some of the other members.
Meeting Notes:

  • AUDREY - Knight sprites on Google Drive. Needs to complete 3 more.
    • Once done with Knight, going to make the enemies (bats and dragons)
  • CODY - Music. Maybe good for a different level but not the first one.
    • Make more music!!
  • ANTHONY - Going to start recoding everything.
  • SKYLAR - Still doing level design.
  • DAVID - Idk.
    • Meeting up with Anthony this week to discuss future level design.
  • FINN - Didn't have a task.
    • This week is going to work on castle concept art (kind of like a teaser thing)

Here were my contributions to this meeting:

My job for this meeting was to get started on the knight sprites (last time my concept sprite was confirmed). Since it was approved, I made the still in the correct size, made the left and right steps for the walk animation, and created the attack animation. All that I need left are the jump up/down and wall slide/grab sprites. That's probably what I am going to be doing for next week.
Our audio guy, Cody, while absent, did send us his assignment for this week:
Here is the link to the Music! (It's just a Google Drive link.)
Last week he created different footstep sounds, this week he created his first version of the background music called "Home Again." He asked for criticism and we decided that this particular track isn't what we're looking for for this specific level. We're probably going to use this music at a different spot in the game, but Cody is going to make a variety to choose from.
Anthony for this week started looking at the source code and began a new Game Maker Project.
As for the other members, they did not send anything in for the meeting and I doubt they really finished anything in the first place... (Finn didn't have an assignment, I don't know what David was supposed to be doing, and Skylar admitted he did not finish the first level design concept.)
Right now, I feel like I am definitely the one doing most of the work here... which I guess is going to level out in the future... but right now that kind of stinks. They tried giving me even MORE work (castle concept art) and while I'd really like to do it, they already have me swamped with other tasks so I pushed that one off on someone else. I don't want to do it because I like doing the concept art of things but I also feel like everyone should be contributing and so far I haven't seen everyone trying as hard as I am.

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