Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Bomboy - Dev Team Weekly Update 2/19

  • Round 
    • Finn: Castle_Concept.jpg in Art/_Spr_Concepts 
    • Cody: Working on boss music 
    • Anthony and David: Worked on concepts for enemy types 
      • Concept 1 
        • Enemy that bounces across the screen 
        • Drops a projectile at the top of its arc 
        • Moves in the opposite direction if it hits something 
          • Like the Gumba in Mario 
      • Concept 2 
        • Tiki Mask Guy 
        • Starts off rooted in the ground 
        • Spits projectiles at you 
        • Comes out of the ground when you get close 
        • Leaves a hole in the ground that you can go in 
        • There could be a number of things in this hole 
          • Special items 
          • Enemies 
          • Mini boss fights 
          • A door that grants access to the next level 
      • Concept 3 
        • Whirlwind of cold air that freezes you if it hits you 
        • Can be used in combination with the first enemy concept 
          • This enemy freezes you, the first enemy comes and drops its projectile on you 
      • Concept 4 
        • Enemy that lays eggs and throws them at you 
        • When an egg hits the ground it breaks open and a smaller version of the enemy comes out 
          • This makes this enemy a priority because if you don’t kill it soon it will keep creating more enemies 
      • Concept 5 
        • Dark Wizard 
        • Good enemy for the castle 
        • Shoots shadow balls that follow the player 
          • Like the needle gun in Halo 
        • Shadow balls can do damage to the player as well as other enemies 
        • So other enemies can be used as a shield from the shadow balls 
      • Concept 6 
        • A bird that drops something 
        • Could drop something good or bad 
David: “The concepts above kind of follow a theme of suffocation which fits into the whole female empowerment motif because sometimes the burdens of being a female can seem suffocating” - like in the game Problem Attic

Health/Lives System?
  • 3 options 
    • Health bar 
      • Player dies when health bar reaches 0 
    • Lives system 
      • Like in Mario 
      • Start with 3 lives 
      • Chances to gain a “1 UP” 
      • When you die and you still have lives you restart at a checkpoint 
      • When you die and run out of lives you restart from the beginning 
    • Combination of the 2 above 
      • You have lives 
      • For each life you have a health bar 
      • You can take damage that will decrement the health bar 
      • Once the health bar hits 0 you die and lose that life 
      • Restart at checkpoint with 1 less life and a full health bar 
      • When you die and lose all lives you restart from the beginning 
      • If we do this system then we don’t need the knight to lose armor when for the intro, because instead he could just have a ridiculous amount of health and lives 
Need to decide on a narrative direction that the game will move in so level designers can begin designing future levels.

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