Sunday, April 2, 2017

Bomboy - Artist Inspiration: Danica Sills

Image result for danica sills
Danica Sills is an illustrator who is popular on her YouTube channel, Instagram, and Twitter pages. She's greatly inspired by songs and her favorite things to draw include hands, hair, and masks (since you get to push proportions to the extreme). She went to college for traditional art, and her main job is YouTube and commissions (she also goes to a lot of shows where she sells her art). Her preferred traditional media is water color, but she originally was a digital artist.
Image result for danica sills inkImage result for danica sills ink

Danica has been my inspiration for a while due to her creepy, slender and thin characters. She's great at lining and knows a lot of useful techniques using different medias (she posts tutorials). I want to study her digital process using Photoshop to try and create my own works, maybe for concept design.
To check out more of her work, here are the links to her YouTube channel and her online shop: yt and store.

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