Tuesday, October 7, 2014

P.O.V.- Proportion

     This is the Point of View shot with the principal of Proportion.  The P.O.V. shot is where the viewer is looking through someone else's eyes.  In this case, maybe someone climbed to the top of my lighthouse and is looking out at the water, where ever the spotlight goes.  The principal is proportion because the "person" is so much closer to the origin of the star burst than the land, making the star seem bigger than land which is not true.  Also we can see the small circle of the end of the spotlight reflecting on water in the back.  If we were to compare the actual sizes of the star burst and the lighthouse to the giant circle of the spotlight, the spotlight would be bigger (though it is not true in the image because of the trickery of proportion).

-Audrey Luce ♈ 

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