Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Success and Recommendations in the Lighthouse Project

     Throughout the Lighthouse Project I have noticed some successes and flaws with my work.  One flaw I noted is the texture on the very top cone of my lighthouse.  Once I joined this piece to the rest of my lighthouse, the texture changed influence making the cone seem awkward.  I have diagnosed this problem with the mistake of me not creating a material for each section of my lighthouse before putting on a texture.  So make sure you have a material before a texture or it will look messed up!  Another flaw I saw is the end of the spotlight.  The circle on the water is too strong and therefore looks fake.  I guess a way to fix this is to make the spotlight stronger and only take pictures of good angles.  What I feel I made a success on is the overall composition.  I worked hard on trying to make my lighthouse and setting look realistic.  The fog even took me longer than I am willing to admit.  But with this patience and hard work I am very happy with my outcome.  I recommend making your artwork to YOUR happiness and standards; otherwise, why make art if it does not make you happy?  Use creativity and lots of detail when making your own lighthouse.

-Audrey Luce ♈

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