Sunday, October 2, 2016

Bomboy - GDD

I am going to start the Game Design Document for my 2D platformer game.
First, here is a link to a GoogleDoc of my first attempt at a GDD: First GDD Ever. I am going to be using this same template for my current project's GDD.
Here is the link to my new GDD so you can watch my progress as I write it: New GDD.
Also, the GDD was introduced to me while I was at USC over the summer and my teacher has a website full of advice on how to write a well thought-out GDD. His website and that specific article can be found here: Sloperama.

Another person (or persons) full of advice are the Extra Credits on YouTube. They have a whole playlist of YouTube giving advice for designing games and I'm putting in some of those videos that have really helpful advice. Such as this one basically telling me how to keep myself organized and on track (and most important, motivated).

And this one that gave me advice on how to make my first couple of levels (rogue stealth levels).
In all, this sketchbook page is just announcing where I am at currently in my game making and also marking the beginning of my GDD.

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