Friday, October 14, 2016

Bomboy - Marking Period 1 Presentation

Intention Definition & Exploration of Ideas
As stated in my themes for the year that influence my art, my area of digital media I am going to focus on is everything that involves the creation of video games. This includes Game Maker (to make the game), Photoshop (art for the game), and Word (planning/writing, GDD).
My plan for the whole year is to focus on making and near-perfecting a huge project (video game) and, when bored or stressed of it, possibly make smaller games or make digital art like last year. Based on that, my goal for the first marking period was to re-familiarize myself with Game Maker and Photoshop, create the game concept, start a little bit of the art, and type the GDD. Along with my major goal, I expect to put it on hold whenever I had to do something for a college such as a video or create my portfolio.
Well, I did do a ton of research on Game Maker again and looked up how to create a successful video game. With this information, I decided on the scope of my game, created the basic look of the first main character, and started the GDD. I did a couple sketchbook pages with my progress, ideas, and inspirations but here I am just going to post the important stuff.
First, my GDD can be found here: GDD Link.
Second, here is the Rogue character sprite:
It's a bit blurry because it's a really small image... sorry. Anyway, I created this character with the intent of keeping it a very traditional rogue (hood, dark colors, and daggers) and to give it a feature that stands out, I gave him bright green eyes. I was happy with the outcome, but now that I think about what I want to create, I wish I made a female. So the Rogue sprite may change, but if I were to do that, I think I will do it at the end when everything else in the game is completed.
Evaluating and Integrating
I did need the time at the beginning to understand the complicated Game Maker again and work my brain around having to create a whole game by myself, and because of that I do feel behind. I did not finish the GDD like I wanted to (but that may be because it's boring and hard). However, even though I did not reach my intended goal, I do feel that this first marking period was valuable. I wanted to make sure I set up my game correctly instead of jumping right in with the possibility of messing up. In the long run, I believe this was safer and is saving me from completely messing up and having to start over. Now that I have played with Game Maker again, I feel more confident for when I truly start coding, and having the GDD will prevent me from making huge mistakes, keeping me on my original goal, and not go beyond my scope (not adding the "what if"'s that will just extend and possibly ruin the creation of my game--they're dangerous).
ANYWAY, I am sorry because you told me not to write as much and I actually tried to do that but... sorry, I failed. Hope you had fun reading :D

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