Thursday, May 19, 2016

Final Production - End of the Year Summary

Illustrator Project - Kiko the Rogue

Above shows the steps of progress as I worked on the project.  It started out as a sketch that I lined, then scanned and turned into line art to color in Illustrator.  I added detail to the eyes, added light and shadow, and overall made the production more realistic using a digital tool for the first time.  I have many more sketches that I am going to scan and make into line art too.  Next time I'm hoping to try tracing the lines by myself and then adding a background.  Backgrounds are hard if you want them to look more realistic and I'm expecting to struggle and hate whatever I make, but you have to start somewhere to get better, right? (Original Links: Kiko1, Kiko2, Kiko3)

Video Games Using Unity

Since I am interested in the production and design of video games, I decided learning how to use a game engine would be beneficial.  So I made two mini games in Unity using their tutorials online: Roll-A-Ball and Space Shooter.  I enjoyed making them and learning basic game creation with physics, coding, building the level, and so much more.  In my Animation class, we are currently practicing using the Blender Game Engine too.  Next year I plan on making my own video game without the help of tutorials.  Next year I am also taking AP Computer Science so I am hoping my coding skills will be refined enough to code something complicated.  I'm thinking either a puzzle game or some sort of fighter.  My favorite would be if I could make a first-person shooter but... that may be a bit complicated.

Blender Models and Animations

 Of course, since I am a digital modelling student, there is modelling and animation.  Here are some pictures of small projects I did for fun.  I did a whole post on the sword pictures and I'll link it here: Sword Post.  I learned about lighting, modelling, making textures using nodes, mapping realistic picture textures (rocks), making grass with particles (made a couple variations of grass and had them randomly spread), and learned how to control the global world to change the sky (added color and used noise to make clouds).  Of course for more details you can just click on the previous link.  The light saber I made during free time in computer science this year but I modeled it using a reference picture and had to play around with materials and nodes again.  I'm not posting any of my animations because you can just go through my blog and watch some, but I will talk about them here.  This year's animation class taught me a lot of stuff that I did not know previously (that's the point of the class XD) and it will definitely help me in the future for the job I want.  My favorite project I worked on would have to be the character animation.  I animated Sintel and made six different actions.  I am proud of it even though it is a bit rough, but it was the animation where I added the most detail and tried to make it as realistic as possible.  Link: Sintel Post.

Trend Video: Open World Games
I am also quite proud of the video my teacher had me do for NCCAS.  I thought the finished product was going to be way worse than how it actually turned out.  Since I am not a film student and the only times I've used Premiere Pro were in Animation class with a whole different media, I was expecting a video that clearly reflected my inexperience.  Maybe it still shows that (idk XD) but I am still very happy with how it turned out... Working on it was also very addicting.  While it was time-consuming, it felt valuable; I love projects that take a lot of time and challenge me.  This school year my teachers for some reason all really got into video projects so I had to make three of them this year.  While they were stressful and a lot of work, I am glad I learned the skill of video making.  In my college years I am going to attempt being a YouTuber so the practice of recording and editing videos are needed.  Later when I make a reel for a job will also be useful.  From this experience, I also learned that having good applications are a must... MovieMaker sucks and Premiere Pro is an angel (I'm buying it now XD).
This year I drew a lot and, at the end, experimented with colored pencils, markers, and Copic markers.  I am not going to post all of my drawings, they are all on my blog, but the one I am posting I have to say is my favorite.  This is a more recent drawing where I think someone can clearly see the progress I made with more realistic people, details, and the interaction of two figures.  This is one of the drawings I am also planning to put in Illustrator and I'm very excited.

Most of what I worked on this year were smaller, finding-myself projects.  I spread myself out to find my niche and I enjoyed everything I worked on.  I believe I fulfilled my goal from the beginning of the year (LINK: Goal) of tackling character creation and modeling with fantasy and war themes.  In fact, character creation is what I mostly did this year.  I have a ton of sketches and notebooks filled with people, backgrounds, descriptions, worlds, everything.  I also played with weapons and armor in my drawings and models.  The only thing I failed to do was creating environments.  I did learn how to make grass, rock, and sky as I said above; however, next year I am hoping to explore in world building more (not just the writing part but the drawing, modeling, art part).  While I was not very sure what direction I was going to find myself heading at the beginning of the year, this year of portfolio helped me a lot to find and refine what I enjoy to do.  Next year when I have two portfolio classes.. it is going to be amazing and I cannot wait.

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