Sunday, December 11, 2016

Bomboy - Main Menu Screen Design Idea

Finally back to working on my game, I think I am in denial that I have to go back to Unity. So instead, I decided to make my main menu screen. I am either going to make it in Illustrator or Photoshop, but I want to try and make it actually look good. I already made the HUD screen in Illustrator (can be found in the GDD) but the main menu is going to be a lot more work.
The main menu is supposed to be more artsy and hold the attention of or even intrigue the player. I found some examples of main menus, each with a different take. Two have the recognizable game title on them while one does not. They all have basic options such as Start Game. One is more simplistic while the other is more abstract and the next has more details. I just have to decide the formula for my screen.
I like the idea of either the simplistic screen or the one with more details and perspective. I also want the game title to be visible, but maybe not as big as the Halo example one. I was thinking that I could try and design what the rest of the characters in the game will look like and then have their silhouettes be the main menu. The black silhouettes of all the characters with a eye-catching color behind them. The title could be in their legs--the more solid black part probably--and have the selections below that.
That, or try and decide if the Voice is going to be somebody. As in, maybe design the Voice, and then have their silhouette with glowing eyes or something creepy.
I don't know, I still have a lot of ideas bouncing around in my head but these examples will help me decide what I think will look nice and what will look nasty.

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