Sunday, December 4, 2016

Nagle - Leo Process Page #3

Leo is one of the two pieces that are due during the interim time of the second marking period. I already had some draw backs and wasted time because, after attempting the background and not liking it, I became very discouraged. Instead of working on it, I procrastinated and spent my time working on my portfolio video. Now that I finished the video, I am back working on the piece and I believe the small break helped me. To fix what I believe is ugly, I am just going to paint the entire background black. Since the piece is character creation, this will force the viewer to look only at Leo. Also, a characteristic of Leo is being narcissistic and I can probably show this with the black background.
Saying all of this, I am still not done with Leo for interim time, but here is the progress I have made so far:
Hopefully I am going to finish this soon so it is complete and I can move on to Pisces and Gemini. I need to touch up the color I already have down with colored pencils and my Copic markers, and I need to paint the clothes with water color. After that, all I need to do is solidify the background and add Leo's tattoos. Then Leo will be complete.

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