Monday, December 19, 2016

Bomboy - The Met and MoMA Reflection

Last Friday, art students went on a field trip to New York City where we visited The Metropolitan Museum and the Museum of Modern Art. While there, I saw many interesting pieces of art history and some stuck in my mind.
First, we went to The Met. Here, since I already been before, I wanted to focus on some of the exhibits that I previously wished I had more time at. That included Africa, the armor and weapons, and Egypt. Africa always interested me because most of it was huge wooden pieces that showcased their culture. For example, there were wooden and grass suits that they wore to worship the recently deceased and towering totem poles that emphasized their interest in the human body. Next, I had always been interesting in the intricate details some armor and weapons have, and I was not disappointed with the collection here. I have to say I think my favorite item there was either one of the halberds that were full of designs or this hunting knife/gun hybrid that just looked amazing (I want to know if it worked well). After that, it felt like I stepped into Egypt with the temple that was rebuilt in the museum and I got to see beautiful jewelry and games they used to wear/play in the past. One of the interesting things I saw there were gold-encasings for fingers and toes. I guess it was some sort of a jewelry? I don't see how you could do anything wearing them though... maybe they were for the dead? (Idk, there was a huge gaggle of kids in front of the sign and I was not about to fight through that.) Other than that, there were a ton of rings with scarabs on them and I wish I owned one because that is my kind of aesthetic attraction--small and simple, but also beautiful. After The Met, we trekked through Central Park, past Trump Tower, through the biting cold, and made it to the MoMA.
I also had visited the MoMA in the past, but I saw pieces that I do not remember (most of them being phallic and scarring in nature). Now, I am absolutely NOT a huge fan of modern art, but I sure did get some good laughs out of some of it. For example, one of the pieces was literally a string. Yes, a string. One that was attached to the ground and the ceiling and not noticeable at all so a guard had to stand next to it to ensure someone didn't run into this poor string and snap it. Or maybe I should bring up the white chair made out of the male appendage. Or maybe the TV that showed a video of a very naked man holding a balloon jumping on a couch where a very naked woman sat and watch their masculine/feminine parts fly everywhere. (A FIVE YEAR OLD SAT DOWN AND WATCHED THAT--WHY!?!) But anyway, I also saw some pieces I do like--Starry Night, Three Musicians, etc (aka not scarring items).
In all, while not everything was my favorite (hey, that's art for ya), I did see art pieces that I did thoroughly enjoy seeing and gain inspiration from. Now, I definitely think I had my fill of those museums and I wish to never return (I'm sorry, I don't like the cold, cities, or museums (Why did I go you ask? To break the system.) but I did end up enjoying myself so meh).

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