Thursday, December 1, 2016

Nagle - Leo Process Page #2

This is the reference pose I used to draw Leo. The artist is Teh-Ryu-Neko and I found their DeviantArt page through Google. The link of the drawing is here: Reference. And this is an image of a lion I used to draw Leo's tail and paws (and a little bit of the mane to create her fluffy hair). Lion Image Link.
This is the final sketch of Leo that I will be using to create the final piece. While making a humanoid lion, I have to choose which parts are human and which are animal. At first, I was going to do a lion head on a human body and a tail, but the sketch of it looked very strange. So instead, I opted for human body with lion ears, teeth, eyes, paws, and tail. Next, I am going to print out smaller images of this sketch and swatch it to find the color scheme I wish to use.

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