As you already know, I have been asked to join a game development team to continue/make better the game I created at USC over the summer. While it has been a slow start, we finally started on the production of the game and have a pretty solid idea of how this is going to go.
The first meeting we had was to introduce ourselves to those we did not know. The team consists of me, two students from the USC Program, Skylar and Finn, a teacher assistant from USC, Anthony, and two of Anthony's previous teammates, David and Cody. We also set up our main communication and how we are going to stay organized throughout the process of making the game. We're going to use Discord, a gamer communication program that has voice and text channels (like Skype except eons better), as our main source of communication. On Discord, we have text channels to discuss meeting-times, one that assigns our homework for the week, basic chat, a discussion chat, and multiple chats for each type of design (art, level, programming, etc.). This is where we also have our weekly voice meetings (every Sunday at 3). Another program is Trello, which is basically an organizational tool online, where we can assign roles and tasks to specific people and everyone can see everyone else's jobs (it's like a main overview, spreadsheet kind of thing). This is what we refer to to see our tasks that pertain to the game (unlike the homework which is more of a miscellaneous kind of thing). Lastly, we are using Google Drive to share all of the files we need during development. Such as the GDD, the latest Game Maker files, concept art, all the sprites and Photoshop files, and even documentation of what happens in all of our meetings (say, if someone is absent, etc.). We are actually looking into a more professional tool to accomplish all of this called Git, and we may switch over to it eventually (after a crash course because we heard it isn't too user friendly).

On to the good stuff: my role in my team. We discussed our roles in the team and Anthony is the leader/Producer who will be in charge of organization, communication, and the eventual dealing with getting the game on Steam, a hub to download games internationally; Cody is the sound guy who will find the sound effects and background music; David is one of the level designers who needs to match our narrative and gameplay to a fun yet hard and aesthetically pleasing platforming level; Skylar is another level designer, programmer, and will deal a bit with the art; Finn is... kind of a miscellaneous guy, but he is the original concept-creator of the game and already did a story board of our first cut scene; and for I, me, and my, I am basically the art lead who will be in charge of all of the sprite creation, hopefully more environmental elements, the screen title, and the one in charge of keeping the integrity of the game (keeping the team focused on the meaning that we want to achieve).
So far I have contributed to the GDD of the game, the meaning and a bit of story arch, but the main task I have just been given is the creation of another sprite for the princess and the concept art of a knight character. These two things are what I have been working on all week and I have four sprites to propose to my team for the princess and I am going to show what I have for the knight soon.
There is much more to the creation of this game, but for now this is a basic overview of the process the Project Princess Team is going through in order to create the final product we have deemed
I Can Even.
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